
Showing posts from February, 2025

宜家近 Yee Jia Jin

HYDROPARAPHY Radar ambiguo ultrasónico sistemático ¿Se puede contagiar la hidroparafiosis? Esta es una cocina lluviosa de scientifical Sólo para parecer una molécula invaluable En la misión atrapa una paradoja La ciencia no espera que te conviertas en una bola de Molly Dirígete a Seaguard Longprice paramix En la central hidroeléctrica estamos complaciendo el grundall Tal vez sea una bola moral que se casa con cubos. Radar ambigu à ultrasons systématique L’hydroparaphyiose peut-elle être contagieuse ? C'est une cuisine scientifique pluvieuse Juste pour ressembler à une molécule inestimable Au cours de sa mission, il découvre un paradoxe La science ne s'attend pas à ce que vous vous transformiez en boule de molly Accéder à Seaguard Longprice Paramix À la centrale hydroélectrique, nous faisons plaisir au grundall C'est peut-être une boule morale qui épouse des cubes. Systematic Ultrasonic Ambiguous Radar Can you get hydroparaphyosis? This is a rainy kitchen of scientifical Just to look like a priceless molecule On the mission catch a paradox Science doesn't expect you to become a Molly ball Head to Seaguard Longprice paramix At the hydroelectric power station we are indulging the grundall Maybe it's a moral ball that marries cubes.

05.看看 The Looking for 作词:YL 作曲:YL 编曲:YL 黑白分辨不出 看看赏赏 有关于你的一切 不如 细说默默 对错分辨不出 依依沉沉 要不容我的一切 看看 细说不出 坦坦 看看赏赏 依依沉沉 细说默默 不出坦坦 坦坦细说默默 默默细说沉沉 沉沉分辨不出 看看 依依沉沉 看看赏赏 细说坦坦 不出默默 默默细说坦坦 坦坦细说依依 依依分辨不出 赏赏 黑白分辨不出 对错 对错分辨不出 对的人 对的人 要看看赏赏 依依沉沉 细说不出 坦坦默默 看看赏赏 依依沉沉 细说默默 不出坦坦 坦坦细说默默 默默细说沉沉 沉沉分辨不出 看看 依依沉沉 看看赏赏 细说坦坦 不出默默 默默细说坦坦 坦坦细说依依 依依分辨不出 赏赏 看看叙说当初 默默 默默当时停留 沉沉 沉沉 在孤孤单单 一个人 一个人 依依看看赏赏 看看 言定不出对错 看看。。。。。。 我的对错

你不会 Lyrictor: Yorique Low Arrangement: Yorique Low Copyright (c) 2010 Pur Low.ALL RIGHT RESERVED. 想知道的 我问我起伏的背后 再摊开友握的双手 还来得及 我们站在那一站的门前 背着后 不用放掉寂寞也没有作用 如果哪一天 我们的身影 要离开前的门口 擦掉了 突然间门外那窗口 好多好多回忆 系下也无穷 你不会说 两个人回忆是一站的小说 无止尽直说 或许有那一个要的结果 摊开了被疼 以一种责任 不需要被爱而被反锁 下一个出口 要等了好久 偶尔有的时候 你不会说 两个人回忆是一站的小说 无止尽直说 或许有那一个要的结果 摊开了被疼 以一种责任 不需要被爱而被反锁 下一个出口 要等了好久 偶尔有的时候 如果哪一天 我们的身影 要离开前的门口 擦掉了 突然间门外那窗口 好多好多回忆 系下也无穷 你不会说 两个人回忆是一站的小说 无止尽直说 或许有那一个要的结果 摊开了被疼 以一种责任 不需要被爱而被反锁 下一个出口 要等了好久 偶尔有的时候

Would you see me in the next tour Can you meet me in the hour glass I suppose to know'em about you the day I've gone Never forget about your feelin and souls Heartache and crush in this solo Make your daytime in the daunting wood with glossdot is the glossdot Phantom by your name in this choir Rolling the scene carigrigate Should be on the wooden by the Gail's life never exchange Feather Underwood requires the same respect in this major Chords the surround every manual to be auto understand heartbeat never change So living is exciting every corner with the houses justifying in this manner proteinuria Cold being amendment Right in this Rider wood never forget your Glassdoor Should be another tentative soloist is the sound protector Bug under flower wood in this requirement Every single channel's termIVE Never forget about you Glossdor Glasswood ready to undertake In this syndome memory made Flee and flow by the Norbert gluss over the repetataime I seeing the glossdor in this class by doremifaso I make the good feels some time is just a Glasswood freedom shore Dare arriving should be my life Closs the capafeels and motto under this Glossdor

Glossdor™作词/作曲/编曲/制作人:YL™/YalL™/Max Martin/the child play wood/the CarpentersWould you see me in the next tourCan you meet me in the hour glassI suppose to know'em about you the day I've goneNever forget about your feelin and soulsHeartache and crush in this soloMake your daytime in the daunting wood with glossdot is the glossdotPhantom by your name in this choirRolling the scene carigrigate Should be on the wooden by the Gail's life never exchange Feather Underwood requires the same respect in this majorChords the surround every manual to be auto understand heartbeat never changeSo living is exciting every corner with the houses justifying in this manner proteinuria Cold being amendment Right in this Rider wood never forget your Glassdoor Should be another tentative soloist is the sound protector Bug under flower wood in this requirement Every single channel's termIVE Never forget about you Glossdor Glasswood ready to undertake In this syndome memory madeFlee and flow by the Norbert gluss over the repetataime I seeing the glossdor in this class by doremifaso I make the good feels some time is just a Glasswood freedom shoreDare arriving should be my life Closs the capafeels and motto under this Glossdor

Cryin' to the rain作词/作曲/编曲/制作人:YL™/YalL™遗照 相本来就是刻安肃穆 修养成为抚养那年轻 生命短暂的消息我在这里说给你一个人听简单 是从复杂化为容易单独 不用陪伴的年逾一想起你就是那么天真的随心况且是滋养的遍体遗照 相本来就是刻安肃穆 修养成为抚养那年轻 生命短暂的消息我在这里说给你一个人听简单 是从复杂化为容易单独 不用陪伴的年逾一想起你就是那么天真的随心况且是滋养的遍体遗照 相本来就是刻安肃穆 修养成为抚养那年轻 生命短暂的消息我在这里说给你一个人听简单 是从复杂化为容易单独 不用陪伴的年逾一想起你就是那么天真的随心况且是滋养的遍体

Repetition 复诵作词/作曲/编曲/制作人:YL™/YalL™Repetition Rest is gold'emRoses and feathers Romeo and Juliet's Flow and freedom Nobody knows'emHead it to the call and pump me like a falls为你复诵的晶莹剔透 光鲜亮彩 加上融化慢慢复复 重蹈波折 李凯的纷飞先一个具体 后一个心扉点击战略 事先揣摩预测记忆的信号Re re re pe titionRe re re pe titionRe re re pe titionRe re re pe titionRe re re pe titionRe re re pe tition再重复Re re re pe titionRe re re pe titionRe re re pe titionRe re re pe titionRe re re pe titionRe re re pe titionRe re re pe titionRe re re pe titionRepetition

SPOILER SpoilerLyricist/Composition/Arrangement/Producer: YL™/YalL™The beauty of the story I believe it is still flowing around me The overflowing energy is very sexyWhen you are stubborn, lost hesitation, hiding behind, the strength you give, until you still have faithTell you that the opposite is not a reason. Until that day, tears were wiped dryEven my name has been forgottenLearn from experience, spoilers are obvious, beating repeatedly, piercing the truth of heartache ambush, it seems obvious if your confidant doesn't understandSlashing through the flash The spoiler stronghold The story is changing everywhere Julien's hearts can only be called to each other as if they are still calling my tomorrowThe beauty of the story I believe it is still flowing around me The overflowing energy is very sexyWhen you are stubborn, lost hesitation, hiding behind, the strength you give, until you still have faithTell you that the opposite is not a reason. Until that day, tears were wiped dryEven my name has been forgottenLearn from experience, spoilers are obvious, beating repeatedly, piercing the truth of heartache ambush, it seems obvious if your confidant doesn't understandSlashing through the flash The spoiler stronghold The story is changing everywhere Julien's hearts can only be called to each other as if they are still calling my tomorrow

SPOILER 剧透作词/作曲/编曲/制作人:YL™/YalL™故事的美感 相信还在 流在我身边 溢出的能量 十分有性感当你在倔强 遗失的彷徨 躲在那背后 付出的力量 直到你还有信仰跟你说 相反的不是理由 直到那一天 眼泪都擦干连自己的名字 却忘了吸取经验 剧透的明显 反复在那边跳动 一刺破心痛埋伏的道理 若知己不懂显得明显划破闪光 剧透的据点 故事满腹在变动 于连的心扉只能彼此仿佛还在召唤我的明天故事的美感 相信还在 流在我身边 溢出的能量 十分有性感当你在倔强 遗失的彷徨 躲在那背后 付出的力量 直到你还有信仰跟你说 相反的不是理由 直到那一天 眼泪都擦干连自己的名字 却忘了吸取经验 剧透的明显 反复在那边跳动 一刺破心痛埋伏的道理 若知己不懂显得明显划破闪光 剧透的据点 故事满腹在变动 于连的心扉只能彼此仿佛还在召唤我的明天

Blackpink isn't a real girl groupThey just Fuck and eatEspecially Lisa is a contamination girlsJennie is dual face nasty girls Rose sounded like a chicky boneJisoo doesn't know EnglishHow they can get MBA honour from Prince Charles is shit on the table blanket


Heat on the weather perfect mutual Same like me in the honor for the good triangle Just like fool and sight name by right places Holding on the tight maybe should be right and cause the right time I’m just found a foolish of the sign no matter what happen Seeing the right angles baby your sway In time is perfect love a cases and raw into the dual by way Is cooling methods before I’m gone through Fencing and matches in build the guidelines Ooh… time have pass go by to the living causing future Never said alone I’m time perfection build in the jungle falls Never said it again is a gasoline Is a gasoline Maybe around me and maybe around by you to open the boxes Care talk to the notches and petting to the features To cure the desires Should I go run and run to park lore into the vibe No and right should be the best time gone to right Between facing and the wrinkles peter and percy To love the calling all the way After chasing the surfing ORBIT in the pan-sight To Gigabytes and praising to the right way In the corner and paw-son maybe I come as all my way Trying to figures the those of the limited curricular Fencing and matches in build the guidelines Ooh… time have pass go by to the living causing future Never said alone I’m time perfection build in the jungle falls Never said it again is a gasoline Is a gasoline Fencing and matches in build the guidelines Ooh… time have pass go by to the living causing future Never said alone I’m time perfection build in the jungle falls Never said it again is a gasoline Is a gasoline


天上的神没有眼God in heaven has no eyes作词/作曲/编曲/制作人:YL™/YalL™为什么那些神要去帮助那些已经有钱的人了 为了多付 Tips明明知道那些人已经有钱了还要把我们这些没有钱人丢去旁边那些有钱人都是社会的垃圾 制造黑钱 洗黑钱 做犯法的事 害人最厉害偏偏这些天上的神就是喜欢那些有钱人 因为靠近有钱人就有希望 对我来说 我是没有钱人 我最讨厌那些有钱人 做的事是什么了王八蛋有钱人能为你吃几口 吸毒 违法 统统都是一个道理 你去死 你去你的有钱世界死在那边 你们有钱人别学我做什么健康运动了 都是要赚钱的鬼 可是现代就是活着要赚钱的人 如果没有钱那不如去死 还拿着这些钱去死远一点 不要伤害我们这一家 如果有什么三长两短的事发生 我是不会放过你们的 绝对不会类似现代人死得早是统统有患病的还不去死难道还要活着作怪 不是你们死还有我死吗 都是你们干的好事 有钱人就是世界了吗 在我背后赚黑钱不如作怪都是养出一个个有钱财的孩子,通常是洗吸大黑钱社会的人有模有样赚来的钱都是在洗黑钱,我看够了,这些有钱的人喜欢靠近神,而神却帮助他们,就丢我在一边,还神,神的眼睛都是钱,不如一个个去死早一点,最远的地方去死远一点,这些有钱人。以后我没有你们叫我有钱人,你们这些有钱人最好死远一点,越远越好。

那些有钱的人不可以再有钱了,反而我们没有钱的人要跟有钱人讨钱吗?这些有钱人是王八蛋。Those who are rich can no longer be rich, but we who have no money have to beg money from the rich? These rich people are bastards.


过头 Overdone作词/作曲/编曲/制作人:YL™/YalL™期限不隐瞒日常环绕世界对唱克服一些话题说日渐生月补上重要让我欣赏环绕日子就够了过于对待过后批判慢就我等到在外时间依然披上怀疑自己能力不够他那么抵抗相信我还在努力为时间做衣裳过头调侃过后直达没有玄月没有机会 再爱上一个不懂日漫深夜过于头心思放在里面 幻想是自己满头打碟风霜五月记得凹面越过海直至神丹常规我得以勾结片纸质的相会期限不隐瞒日常环绕世界对唱克服一些话题说日渐生月补上重要让我欣赏环绕日子就够了过于对待过后批判慢就我等到在外时间依然披上怀疑自己能力不够他那么抵抗相信我还在努力为时间做衣裳过头调侃过后直达没有玄月没有机会 再爱上一个不懂日漫深夜过于头心思放在里面 幻想是自己满头打碟风霜五月记得凹面越过海直至神丹常规我得以勾结片纸质的相会没有玄月没有机会 再爱上一个不懂日漫深夜过于头心思放在里面 幻想是自己满头打碟风霜五月记得凹面越过海直至神丹常规我得以勾结片纸质的相会

KL I will never come back is weird I prefer to live in a cozy village area.Better Scenery.

Kuala Lumpur is not suitable for travel but suitable for work.Because everywhere located shopping mall.

SPACE 118™作词/作曲/编曲/制作人:YL™/YalL™ "以我的观念来看别人没有机会说话了""From my point of view, others have no chance to speak."最特别的地方是什么最让我陶醉的香气是什么可以在 SPACE 118 旋转不是旋转木马 而是 Merry-go-round 对人的思念是无比交情不管多大的空间让你反省当空阔的地方是无量的大声响起Announcement Calling to 1119最让我沉默不言语的时候 一身都是特务检索

卧尸在房间 Dead body in the room作词/作曲/编曲/制作人:YL™/YalL™几点没有联络现在的人了关于你的时间 我不打磨空出来的时间 我不抚顺病从口入祸从口出你 卧尸在房间 有人管你吗相信没有几个可以信得过 而且有人真的相信吗Besides the fragile Dabound air drop drop dripThe music on condolences follow me everywhere I had never forgotten the moments in the rymsical

最后变更瘦的那一刻, 几乎没有了呼吸The moment I became thinner, I almost stopped breathing.作词/作曲/编曲/制作人:YL™/YalL™风赶紧吹回来身边听每一个感情诺言生生命最可贵时间带梦想和希望无边Sofamiredo LadidoLadido sofamiredoDoremifaso地狱震惊我惶恐最后变更瘦的那一刻, 几乎没有了呼吸痛苦的流鼻涕 哭喊也没有用想呐喊生命最煎熬的那一刻 泪就彷徨身后直觉长达六小时风赶紧吹回来身边听每一个感情诺言生生命最可贵时间带梦想和希望无边Sofamiredo LadidoLadido sofamiredoDoremifaso地狱震惊我惶恐最后变更瘦的那一刻, 几乎没有了呼吸痛苦的流鼻涕 哭喊也没有用想呐喊生命最煎熬的那一刻 泪就彷徨身后直觉长达六小时最后变更瘦的那一刻, 几乎没有了呼吸痛苦的流鼻涕 哭喊也没有用想呐喊生命最煎熬的那一刻 泪就彷徨身后直觉长达六小时几乎没有了呼吸 呼吸也没有过去但是最后变更瘦受的那一刻。

五官六法Five Senses and Six Methods作词/作曲/编曲/制作人:YL™/YalL™/Chyannase Ayizorai/Japp-Japp Zingo 甚至不调皮 感觉吸引皇上的味道 就是皇帝漏财给狗屁 对打知心你的覆盖印章 就是我的五官六法友理的新专辑 感觉闻出来了 在那个周末 合并联手的合集是调侃不斗戏直觉给你新的流撒和发廊长句 一丝一毫 舞步像不韩流法治常年没有回去很多独特的地方 感觉常年像过节一样相思的地看回去那个未来 回头看是不是我在长斑装扮 原来头像就是荒淫族的答案六折八扣 加伞拔哲原理的答案是为了把音乐复兴得起 才妙手回春 对时节某个评论就是该有的则像 挥洒的土方和扣留的审案将自己的留疤伤感化作为图片的方案这不是觉是某派的涂鸦 留着文一西路的塞纳河湾 感觉像某派的土干和感伤谢意纸篓 每一天的思维就是为了附上而成巨的看透鸣放问来问去 都是一个问题操作五七 发扬的声呼吸眉儿之间 萧侃的超音波头文具而是代开了五官六法知者Five Senses and Six MethodsLyrics/Composition/Arrangement/Producer: YL™/YalL™/Chyannase Ayizorai/Japp-Japp ZingoNot even naughty, feeling attractedThe emperor's smell is the emperorLeaking money to shit, fighting intimateYour covering seal is my five senses and six methodsYour new album feels like it smelled on that weekend, the combined collection is a tease, not a fightIntuition gives you a new flow and a long sentence in the hair salon, a little bit, the dance steps are like Korean wave ruleI haven't been back to many unique places for many years, I feel like I miss the place like a festival for many yearsGo back to that future, look back and see if I am wearing spots, it turns out that the avatar is the answer to the promiscuous tribeSix discounts and eight deductions, the answer to the principle of adding an umbrella to pull out the philosopherIt is to make the music revivable, so it is a miraculous revival. A certain comment on the season is what it should be like The earthwork and the detained case are used to make their scars sentimental as the picture planThis is not the graffiti of a certain school. The Seine Bay on Wenyi West Road feels like the earthwork and sentimentality of a certain schoolThanks to the wastebasket. Every day's thinking is to attach to the huge insight and releaseAsk and ask, it's all a questionOperate five seven, carry forward the sound breathingBetween the eyebrows, Xiao Kan's ultrasonic head stationeryBut it is the one who opened the five senses and six laws


rap album



O2 Oxygen-hybrogenic 氧气 作词/作曲/编曲/制作人:YL™/YalL™Rapsionalis Bikoraba:逐渐成长的过程 我们都透过氧气 过呼吸没有了呼吸 就没有了生命而呼吸是通常戴着口气和鼻气发生相应一口吸气 一慢一息 就成为了氧气这是身体循环的过程发出营养而连环的呼吸制造了 OXYgenic the 化养O2 Oxygen-hybrogenic oxygenLyricist/Composer/Arranger/Producer: YL™/YalL™Rapsionalis Bikoraba:In the process of gradual growth, we all pass through oxygen and breatheWithout breathing, there is no lifeBreathing usually occurs through breath and nose.Take a breath in, take a slow breath, and it becomes oxygenThis is the process by which the body circulates nutrients toAnd the continuous breathing creates OXYgenic the

OntheBirds™作词/作曲/编曲/制作人:YL™/YalL™RapWild birds will birds see birds cracking on the distance birdsHijacking wild birds Protecting will birds Onthegoing see birds cracking on the liar rejuvenate birds野生的鸟儿会看到鸟儿在远处裂开鸟儿劫持野生鸟类 保护鸟类 持续看到鸟类 破解骗子 振兴鸟类Dilon to the next station Living high hall experience In the next door dwarf Flees from the high miles Mile 狄龙 前往下一站 生活高堂体验 隔壁的矮人 逃离高处 MileWill make the sequences stances After the raw with flow might have In the darkness to the vrise rootsSpaces on the birds会做出序列姿势 原配流后可能有 在黑暗中到达树根鸟身上的空间

Rap Your Soul™ 说唱你的灵魂™ feat.Amuga作词/作曲/编曲/制作人:YL™/YalL™给你装饰角度 彼此踏上漫步我不是 谁的 Michael Jackson 勇敢就爱上了 说唱的灵魂这分贝就呼吸了全英勇得上进就是要 Rap Your Soul rap your feelings 把爱散发出来 勇敢地去爱让我靠近最近的距离 多余的牺牲就有不同的灵魂把勇敢的爱释放出来让彼此珍惜这生命力勇往路途上的小安代做说唱出来This is a rap your soul energyTogether to break the records of this year rap album energyCreate my soulmate to create the world Into this part of rapsionalisRap Your Soul™ Rap Your Soul™ feat.AmugaLyricist/Composer/Arranger/Producer: YL™/YalL™Give you a decorative angle and take a walk with each otherI'm not whose Michael JacksonBe brave and fall in love with the soul of rapYou can breathe at this decibel. Quan Yingying must make progress.Just Rap Your Soul rap your feelingsSpread out your love and love bravelyLet me get closer to the nearest distancesuperfluous sacrificeThere are different soulsrelease brave loveLet's cherish each other's vitality and bravely go on the road, Xiao An will sing on his behalfThis is a rap your soul energyTogether to break the records of this year rap album energyCreate my soulmate to create the worldInto this part of rapsionalis

O1 intro...进行曲 交叉樂縮/Rapsionalis Analysis Cross contraction 作词/作曲/编曲/制作人:YL™/YalL™ Rapping Rapsionalis: 不管还有什么事情做 不易找借口来说 对世界的每一观点来看 不费试着想如鱼得水来看所 而不是你的 交叉樂縮 来点看 就代表我的用心就是浪费解囊 真的让我绝情无非是莫测 一较近的距离局势非无必接壤那个时代的莫测 何必为了争取真的笑颜来看一拐的毅力成为了是非莫测的抚平先进而不立意的想法来看 就代表时间的也许就是点滴的时间成为绕进远离 Cross contraction/Rapsionalis Analysis Cross contraction Lyrics/composition/arrangement/producer: YL™/YalL™ Rapping Rapsionalis: No matter what else you have to do, it's not easy to find excuses From every point of view of the world, don't try to be like a fish in water. Look at it, it's not your cross contraction. Come and see, it means that my efforts are a waste of money. It really makes me heartless. It's nothing but unpredictable. A closer distance situation is not necessary to border the unpredictable of that era. Why bother to fight for a real smile? The perseverance of a crook has become the smoothing of the unpredictable right and wrong. From the perspective of advanced and unintentional ideas, it means that time may be a little bit of time that becomes a detour away from the distance.

从来不是你™It was never you™/RISD sportsman announcement PSAYL 年度代言人主题曲作词/作曲/编曲/制作人:YL™/YalL™Rap:So yo to you whatsupp guys Alone in the Frida sponges by RIDHaI'm cool spiritual and hormones humanThe day I'm took one lesson by learning Buenos Aires It was never youIt was never been to me最等级的职场就是你争我斗互不神伤 类似爱情的东西最彷徨的时候 祸不单行比谁都劣迹生者长黄

Pergi Mati Semua Orang Dunia Ini Sudah Sampai Akhirat.

This world is full of Cibai People.

Presidential Life That Bullshit Guy作词/作曲/编曲/制作人:YL™/YalL™It isn't easy when you hang out with guysIsn't an easy way when you hang out with a president child'sThey live in presidential Life that bullshit guyBetter revenge than sequences all pump out over the duties总统的孩子就是布莱尔斯总统的生活就是万福吉祥总统的优雅就是卑鄙手段你活你的我活我的

留着机会给他们好好利用时间也许Leave the opportunity for them to make good use of their Rapsionalis Guatamala 作词/作曲/编曲/制作人:YL™/YalL™rap一些意图 好 收藏起来留着机会给他们好好利用时间也许不敢相信我还是单身的狼狗看起来你是没有问题但我看起来我就是有问题空旷的地方 视野也融入那景废土之需的地方就是人才放火的少纳祸不单行空旷的任意 就是命理未尽是不想也

凔突™ SUDAN™作词作曲/编曲/制作人:YL™/YalL™以为很暴烈 还是骑着莫坦观看蝴蝶的列印证写着互不圣手的像素开在 凔突 的把手凔突 奇迹凔突 白首凔突 规范凔突 泄影。

是我害死自己的 Rapsionalis Atiovkla作词/作曲/编曲/制作人:YL™/YalL™别人没有死 难道自己已经死了不要害死别人难道要害死自己别人没有做过对不起你的事是我自己害死我自己以为留下来的恩赐是给予你我的快乐别人快乐你也要快乐 别人不快乐你就要毒下手心把他们变得不快乐失常的 就是自己 痛苦也是自己如果自己没有好好珍惜自己 别人也不想珍惜你有一点快乐 有一点悲伤 有一点读心有一点造反 有一点实为 有多么一点狼吞虎咽如果不快乐就好好地把自己送回天上去好好反省自己

Closed Opened Closed作词/作曲/编曲/制作人:YL™/YalL™这里住着那些王八蛋的外人他们一直关开关最讨厌的就是给我滚开我不想见到这些人在这里 打翻我的传奇


我一点想不要干了:干你的妈的作词/作曲/编曲/制作人:YL™/YalL™自淫想要调侃二十四小时的时间做自己不想做的事问题是人在教唆我们去死社会就是这样冲击犯车而且当不要罗嗦我们这样做你的一举一动动势世界 我的一副一眼都是人类我一点想不要干了:干你的妈的

Yole Yogurt Aiskrim 我吃了要呕。不健康而且有点不冷。


Blackpink Members Jisoo Rose Jennie Lisa die at Coachella Stages.


骂人最厉害 Swearing is the worst作词/作曲/编曲/制作人:YL™/YalL™这些屋子的人全部给我搬走凌乱四方的世界都在这里行最多的人就是厉害最少的人全部都怕自私的人都是这些人还怕什么感觉想运行到处见到可怕不是永远第一而是操作的远行可恶的是那些人都想制造这些麻烦给你干与其不然回首到处的世界都是凌乱的飞走逃出空度 在漫步私立的之下 可见自己拥抱保存的私自井口又在打乱世界每一条项链的飞部直落造口非

Johor is a low and cheap urban city.

犯贱:低贱 Cheap: Lowly作词/作曲/编曲/制作人:YL™/YalL™Rap因为最苦恼 因为最低调 因为人生什么都享受不了 还得我犯贱然后最低贱做什么事情都改用人的姓名把我换掉 痛苦的泪滴 痛罪的心底 痛打一把掌给你反省被误为岂有此理被人生磨灭 做最犯贱的低贱充满苍蝇Cheap cheap and lowly lowly cheap cheap and lowly lowly cheap cheap and sorry sorry cheap cheap oh dear

花屋顶™ The Roof of Flower™ Iris RapSionalis Adapters 作词/作曲/编曲/制作人:YL™/YalL™Rap不是用猜 难怪你出来 不是门派 哪一个才是你的主宰那个旅途的花屋顶 就乖乖的猫与我在屋顶上看到希腊的童话故事书人见人爱 人赦免你的最易不是昂首交叉的路径 经过我的边缘之处赛道屋顶的花进阶多少描述的前奏是非为景别不戴帽子的配你序和风土多少的讲述我们未来的净土移花接木 模样盛开 废墟之中的千帆丸人生人海 人来汪洋的一片空只是在花屋顶上叫个性化设置了一个评论者竟

4 little girls of BP die at Coachella stages.

Lalisa Manobal dies on the spot of Coachella Stage.