浮游的生爱 FLOATING LOVE 作词:Yorique Low 作曲:Yorique Low 编曲:Yorique Low

作词:Yorique Low
作曲:Yorique Low
编曲:Yorique Low

There are no beautiful wings, no one to dress up, where to live in the floating love, free to fly.]

Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.  

- Rabindranath Tagore 


 -  Rabindranath Tagore

Solitude is not the same as loneliness. Solitude is a solitary boat floating in a sea of possible companions.
- Robert Fulghum

孤独与寂寞不同。 孤独是一艘漂浮在可能的同伴海洋中的孤零零的小船。
 -  Robert Fulghum

我 还是想些 什么 自由的飞翔 不管哪里啊 告诉我
天空中 人们在活着 我的孤单 并不是寂寞的召唤我

你看你的 生命太阳 我要我的人 就到那 快要被撕掉了
创出生命的一道墙 原地里的自由 不许害怕 别让自己受伤
告诉我 这片海洋

我 积极的想法 没有失去 到那个Shanna之间我的跨越
风吹来 幽静的思索 当我看见了 人生目标前进好几回路

你看你的 生命太阳 我要我的人 就到那 快要被撕掉了
创出生命的一道墙 原地里的自由 不许害怕 别让自己受伤
告诉我 这片海洋

漫步尽心 传达的方式 幽静的思想 到那个模范 那浮游的生爱

你看你的 生命太阳 我要我的人 就到那 快要被撕掉了
创出生命的一道墙 原地里的自由 不许害怕 别让自己受伤
告诉我 这片海洋

一生中 浮游的生爱

I still think about what is free to fly, no matter where, tell me
In the sky, people are alive, my loneliness, not a lonely call to me.

Look at your life, the sun, the one who wants me, I will be there, I am going to be torn off.
Create a wall of life, freedom in the place, don't be afraid, don't let yourself hurt.
Tell me this ocean

My positive thoughts have not lost to my Shanna my leap
The wind is blowing, quiet thinking, when I saw the life goal, several circuits

Look at your life, the sun, the one who wants me, I will be there, I am going to be torn off.
Create a wall of life, freedom in the place, don't be afraid, don't let yourself hurt.
Tell me this ocean

Walk through the heart, convey the way, quiet thought, to the model, the floating love

Look at your life, the sun, the one who wants me, I will be there, I am going to be torn off.
Create a wall of life, freedom in the place, don't be afraid, don't let yourself hurt.
Tell me this ocean
Floating life love in a lifetime

There are no beautiful wings, no one to dress up, where to live in the floating love, free to fly.]
