People nowadays are walking in my form. Lyrics/Composition/Arrangement/Producer: YL™/YalL™ Living Bodhisattva. Haven't you ever felt sick? Why are people nowadays walking in my form? Is it ridiculous? It's a kind of magic. What people fear most is death. Just live happily. Don't steal my appearance to make props for software social networking. This is a perverted and shameful behavior. What's the meaning of health? It's just a bunch of people doing morning exercises. Especially when they go out, they encounter traffic jams. They are very far away from the world of people because they also want to be healthy. You want to be healthy, but I don't want to be healthy. The mind that refutes the problem appears at the root of the font, saying that you can't like what I like. Why do you have to fight over it? Isn't it childish? It's the 22nd century now, and people's minds must be healthy. If you haven't died yet, enjoy it. This kind of morbidity is not about being unable to last, but about changing your current thinking. People's feet can't walk, but they can still live. I have feet, but I don't want to walk. Isn't that laziness? There is no free sex in the world. Other people's motivations are fifty times faster than yours. If people nowadays live in the past, wouldn't everything look the same? I don't pursue novelty because the fashion industry is now bankrupt. No one wants to be invincible, but to see what you will look like in the future. My fashion industry is to log on to the cover of Time magazine, have an invincible team to take photos for me, and enjoy the invincible card after death. The card is just that mouth. I was pulled down by people from the outside world. Your fame is gone. Stop pretending. People are very realistic. No matter what era it is, it is an era of ambush. People can watch but cannot steal. People and things are cheap and flat. The strong taste is to create my future. It is ridiculous to live now and die in the future. The trend of the future is to follow the path of death. I don’t know how much pain I can endure. I regret the feeling of torture, pain, and abandonment. I said that the entire article you wrote has 50,000 words, which is representative. The beneficiary is not the pain of mankind, but to create more readers to watch the articles you upload every day. The lyrics are beaten to death by a group of obscene people. The sky is blue, the dark clouds are here, and the wind and rain cover my ears and say that I am so scary. In fact, the blackened characters are classified as sexual orientation and humanities are beaten The smearing is just like the corridor. If the cheap people are harassing me, I can go to Amitabha Buddha to pray for my own way to the afterlife. Can I go? Aren't there any composers in the world who have studied? Isn't it a trend of communication to have many talents? Why do you want to smear your own resistance? Modern technology is changing. Isn't it that the later people look at the phone and press the keys on their hands until the day turns into night? No matter what kind of self you are, you are created by the concentration. Your own twists and turns are repeated over and over again. You are annoyed and worry-free. Too much pressure is repeated and becomes the square of the human body. Various destinations bring various practices. I appreciate my beauty not in anything that can be said. What I said, can you repeat it again? Give me a chance to say yes. For example, I was interviewed by international media, but I can't express it with emotion and sympathy. It doesn't mean that I am not shameless, but it is a non-auxiliary dance. My quick maturity becomes a slow maturity. He is a genius. He can write 24 days of writing to make a social 510,000-word proud edit. I don't know if I can do it. I think I am quite tough. One who steals other people's faces can think that he is doing very well. In fact, this world is assisted. Technology is deceptive. People's helplessness and guidance are to make us the most useful people in the world. The ins and outs of this world are not according to our future. On that day, I want to see the fearless faces of mountains, seas and skies. The big waves of the Milky Way and the species of the human group created by the five colors are naturally clear. I admire some people who are really amazing. Some people can do impossible things and can also rotate to the position of invincible skirts. When I am silently read as the word "cooperation", it should be a paragraph in the future that no one will be worse than you. The world is so big, people come and go and fade away, which will achieve my desire for smooth sailing. People write about the thoughts of their minds. The sky is clear and boundless with four winds and sea clouds. I will put my foreshadowing here. The celebrities of songwriting are the future trend. People want the Big Dipper and can see the man written by astronomy. I am not a playboy, but a prodigal son.

People nowadays are walking in my form. Lyrics/Composition/Arrangement/Producer: YL™/YalL™ Living Bodhisattva. Haven't you ever felt sick? Why are people nowadays walking in my form? Is it ridiculous? It's a kind of magic. What people fear most is death. Just live happily. Don't steal my appearance to make props for software social networking. This is a perverted and shameful behavior. What's the meaning of health? It's just a bunch of people doing morning exercises. Especially when they go out, they encounter traffic jams. They are very far away from the world of people because they also want to be healthy. You want to be healthy, but I don't want to be healthy. The mind that refutes the problem appears at the root of the font, saying that you can't like what I like. Why do you have to fight over it? Isn't it childish? It's the 22nd century now, and people's minds must be healthy. If you haven't died yet, enjoy it. This kind of morbidity is not about being unable to last, but about changing your current thinking. People's feet can't walk, but they can still live. I have feet, but I don't want to walk. Isn't that laziness? There is no free sex in the world. Other people's motivations are fifty times faster than yours. If people nowadays live in the past, wouldn't everything look the same? I don't pursue novelty because the fashion industry is now bankrupt.  No one wants to be invincible, but to see what you will look like in the future. My fashion industry is to log on to the cover of Time magazine, have an invincible team to take photos for me, and enjoy the invincible card after death. The card is just that mouth. I was pulled down by people from the outside world. Your fame is gone. Stop pretending. People are very realistic. No matter what era it is, it is an era of ambush. People can watch but cannot steal. People and things are cheap and flat. The strong taste is to create my future. It is ridiculous to live now and die in the future. The trend of the future is to follow the path of death. I don’t know how much pain I can endure. I regret the feeling of torture, pain, and abandonment. I said that the entire article you wrote has 50,000 words, which is representative. The beneficiary is not the pain of mankind, but to create more readers to watch the articles you upload every day. The lyrics are beaten to death by a group of obscene people. The sky is blue, the dark clouds are here, and the wind and rain cover my ears and say that I am so scary. In fact, the blackened characters are classified as sexual orientation and humanities are beaten  The smearing is just like the corridor. If the cheap people are harassing me, I can go to Amitabha Buddha to pray for my own way to the afterlife. Can I go? Aren't there any composers in the world who have studied? Isn't it a trend of communication to have many talents? Why do you want to smear your own resistance? Modern technology is changing. Isn't it that the later people look at the phone and press the keys on their hands until the day turns into night? No matter what kind of self you are, you are created by the concentration. Your own twists and turns are repeated over and over again. You are annoyed and worry-free. Too much pressure is repeated and becomes the square of the human body. Various destinations bring various practices. I appreciate my beauty not in anything that can be said. What I said, can you repeat it again? Give me a chance to say yes. For example, I was interviewed by international media, but I can't express it with emotion and sympathy. It doesn't mean that I am not shameless, but it is a non-auxiliary dance. My quick maturity becomes a slow maturity.  He is a genius. He can write 24 days of writing to make a social 510,000-word proud edit. I don't know if I can do it. I think I am quite tough. One who steals other people's faces can think that he is doing very well. In fact, this world is assisted. Technology is deceptive. People's helplessness and guidance are to make us the most useful people in the world. The ins and outs of this world are not according to our future. On that day, I want to see the fearless faces of mountains, seas and skies. The big waves of the Milky Way and the species of the human group created by the five colors are naturally clear. I admire some people who are really amazing. Some people can do impossible things and can also rotate to the position of invincible skirts. When I am silently read as the word "cooperation", it should be a paragraph in the future that no one will be worse than you. The world is so big, people come and go and fade away, which will achieve my desire for smooth sailing. People write about the thoughts of their minds. The sky is clear and boundless with four winds and sea clouds. I will put my foreshadowing here. The celebrities of songwriting are the future trend. People want the Big Dipper and can see the man written by astronomy.  I am not a playboy, but a prodigal son.


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